1937年、徳島県・徳島市の写真館に生まれる。東京写真短期大学(現・東京工芸大学)技術科卒業後、広告制作会社アドセンター設立時にカメラマンとして参加。広告・雑誌・出版など幅広い分野で多く著名人を撮影する一方、世界中でスナップ写真を日常的に撮り続け、多くの作品を世に送り出しており、現在も現役カメラマンとしてシャッターを切る。 主な受領歴に、日本写真批評家協会新人賞(1965年)、文化庁長官表彰(2014年)などがある。
Born in 1937 in Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture into a family that operates a portrait studio. After graduating from the Department of Photography, Tokyo Junior College of Photography (now Tokyo Polytechnic University), he joined the advertising agency Ad Center as a photographer when it was founded. He has photographed dozens of well-known people for a range of media including advertisements, magazines, and publications. He has continued to take snap photos routinely around the world and has published many works. He is still an active photographer. Major awards he received include the Newcomer’s Award from the Japan Photo Critics Association (1965) and the Commissioner for Cultural Affairs Award (2014).